Articles written by Logan Tabor
Articles written by
Logan Tabor
FIF : Blues Junior Power Transformer Swap
Mojotone offers a power transformer upgrade for Blues Junior amps. Our transformer is handmade in the USA by Heyboer Transformers and is a quick way to beef up the power section in your Blues Junior. Follow along as we make the swap in just a few easy steps!
7 Ways To Tweak Your Tone Without Breaking The Bank
A great read for players who want to get more out of their sound without paying an arm and a leg for all new gear. Read about our 7 favorite ways to tweak your tone without breaking the bank (and without having to be an electronics wizard).
MIM : Big Crunch Amp Repair & Design
Make It Monday takes a field trip to Baltimore, MD to talk shop with the brilliant techs behind Big Crunch Amp Repair & Design. These folks are some of the best in the industry and have established a great workshop with a lot to learn from.
FIF : Basic Amplifier Voltage Test Points
Join as we quickly go over some basic voltage test points for tube amps. Knowing just a few test points can help determine if a new build is looking healthy, and can help pinpoint an issue in an older amplifier.
Thoughts On Thinking About Sound
HP Newquist of The National Guitar Museum gives an insightful look at ways to THINK about your sound. This article is aimed at inspiring players to take a second look at how they approach their gear and their tone as a whole.
MIM: 5E3 Style Amp Kit Build Part 1
On this episode of Make It Monday, we dive into the build processes of a Mojotone 5E3 Tweed Deluxe Style amplifier kit. Part 1 of this 3-part series will illustrate the installation of initial hardware parts onto the chassis, as well as populating and soldering the fiberboard.