Mojotone BV-60N 12" British NEO 60 Watt Speaker 16 ohm

SKU: 8456056
Weight: 4.9 lb
Sale Unit: Piece

In Stock


NEO magnet speakers are becoming the “go-to” choice for many guitarists. And to be honest, not all Neo magnet speakers are created equally. After years of research and development, sampling different types of speaker cone paper, voice coil material, dust cap sizes and motors of varying strength, we are excited to bring our British voiced “NEO magnet equipped” speaker to the masses. The Mojotone BV-NEO is an ultra lightweight speaker packed with power and TONE. Traditionally, most British voiced speakers are constructed with a heavy ceramic magnet and can weigh anywhere between 8-12 lbs. Weighing in at a mere 4.9 lbs, and inspired by our world famous BV-25m guitar speaker, the Mojotone BV-NEO delivers all the British Tone that your ears crave while reducing a significant amount of weight! Carrying your favorite speaker cabinets to and from the gig will be much easier with the Mojotone BV-NEO.
  • Size 12" Speaker
  • Voice Coil 1.75" Voice Coil
  • Magnet NEO Magnet
  • Power Handling 60watts
  • Efficiency 98 dB
  • Voice Coil Type Nomex voice coil
  • Weight 4.9lbs

Ratings & Reviews

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7/23/2024 9:44 am

The Solution!

by Finn Engen

What was the problem, you might ask. Well, I'll tell you.
I found an amp that works for me - a Peavey Classic 30 from 2005.
Fresh out of service with a full set of TAD tubes and the original Blue Marvel speaker.
To me, and I am not saying I got perfect ears, the speaker had a harsh high frequency ring to it. The one that makes it ring in your ear.
So, I started my search for a replacement speaker, that led me to contact a customer rep from Mojotone on Messenger.
And I got this BV-60N Neo as an alternative.
It really is the solution to my problem.
The amp sound full and round without the harsh ringing high frequence. It's full bodied without being muddy, with a sweet rounded top.
Now I can be in the room when I play loud.
A million thanks for the suggestion and the product.

3/18/2024 2:15 pm

They Deliver!

by Steve

I put the two new MojoTone Neo-60 speakers in my new Morris 15-watt combo amp and they sound amazing.
I think the responsiveness and overall tonal character are a dead-on match to my MojoTone BV-25's that I have in my closed-back 2x12 cab.
Plus the total 2x12 combo amp with these speakers only weighs about 55 lbs which is very manageable.
I wholeheartedly recommend the new Neo-60 speakers to anyone looking to capture the vintage 'greenback' tone in a lighter-weight format.