Custom Mojotone 2x12 Slammins Angled Speaker Extension Cabinet
The signal disperses upward and outward towards your ears rather than straight into the back of your legs, and can be used as either a standard extension cab or as a personal guitar monitor.
Not only do guitarists love this cabinet, sound engineers love this cabinet because it allows the guitarist to not rely heavily on a monitor mix.
Handmade in the USA
- Dimensions:(H) 16" x (W) 28" x (D) 15-3/4" (Bottom), 9-5/8" (Top)
- Hardware:Metal Recessed Cabinet Handles, Large Rubber Feet, Black Metal Jack Ferrule
- Wiring Harness:Included
Ratings & Reviews
1 review
Oh my God!!
by RobertS -
I cant beleave that k ow one that has purchased this has wrote a review, wow. I did not evan get his cab from MojoTone. it was given to me as a xmas gift from a friend that owns a used guitar store., i also refin and do custom work for he gave me this cab loaded, got home did some reseasrch and found it here, so i contacted MojoTone talked to Kieth,he said yes itwas o e olc thiers. now the kicker is it has Custom Eminence Delta lite II specifically made for Avatar baass cabs. ive got a randall half stack in my dead room and a 15 inch Pa cab i iuse for my little 5 watt nano amp. so i plugged that in along with my krank Disotius Maximus pedel. picked up my dime o flame and was like holly shit thats coming out of that , 2x12 . shit it sounds better than my halstack. i was always told that playing guitgar through a bass cab would sound way better.